The Big Why

“But the Lord stood with me & strengthened me.”

– 2Timothy 4:17

Wow…I would like to start this Blog off by telling you what my big why is for doing this. So many reasons come to mind, but the biggest push was that I felt this nudge it the universe, God, or just something inside … telling me that someone out there needs to hear what I have in my heart.

I want to reach out to Mamas who are new to this world, or ones that are just exhausted and let them know they are not alone in this journey. I want to share ideas, tips, tricks, recipes, and how to really love being a Mama even in the toy isle with your child throwing a tantrum for the 10th time. They are little for such a short time, and with a change in your mindset you can look at these trying moments in a new light. I’m not saying I do not yell at times, and fell totally unequip to be these kiddos Mama sometimes, but the joy and the peace that I feel with a little tweak to my mindset, lets me roll with the tantrum! I am not an expert in any means, I am a Mama that is trying her best, and I know you are too!

I want to share my struggles and joys with you. I have from a young age gone through some challenges that most will not go through. Navigating through them has been tough, and at times I have felt hopelessly lost. So I have found help along the way, and I would like to share that advice that I received and hopefully help someone who is hurting.

Sharing all my creative ideas, recipes, life experiences, advice, and family adventures is my hope for this blog. I hope to inspire you on your journey of life.

I named it Following Wildflowers because wildflowers are one of the most beautiful sights I’ve seen. The way they can grow in some really unexpected spots, and come back each year , gives me hope that no matter what life throws our way, we can always do the same.

Thank you for taking your precious time and reading this post. I pray you come back for more soon!!! Have an amazing day! 


  • Parenting Fun Part 1/3

    Being messy is so educational and fun!!! Some of my favorite things to do with my now 5 and 3 year old’s is baking ( yes it gets really messy) & tending the garden (messy again). Recipes we love to make are chocolate chip cookies, beer bread, multiple supper recipes, smoothies, and they like to…

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