Category: Uncategorized
Being Different
My sweet daughter the other day was laying in bed and we were snuggling after reading a book, about to fall asleep. It never fails that this is the time of day that she wants to ask the big questions or bring up something that is bothering her. Lord help to remain awake enough to… Read more
Not So Fast
Who is already exhausted with the pace of the school year? It’s so busy right!! No matter how old or young your child is, once school starts it seems like time just goes twice as fast. So how can we make this time really count when we get to see our babies only a few… Read more
Time is running out
Time is running out. Have you done everything that you wanted to accomplish during these 3 months of having your beautiful, rambunctious, and silly littles at home with you? Are you happy with the amount of time you got with them? Are you all of a sudden feeling terrible that you did not do as… Read more
A thought on Marriage
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3 Ok everyone… I am going to change it up a bit. I want to talk about not just what we do to keep our marriage… Read more
Inspiration instead of Comparison
The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 I wanna talk today about comparison. We are all quilty of this in some sort of way. Maybe you saw that nice car that your neighbor got and thought to yourself that you must be doing something wrong. Maybe you saw a Mama out… Read more
I’m still here!!
Hello Everyone!!! I pray you have been basking in the all the summer glory!! I wanted to update all of my readers on my crazy busy life since I last posted and to let you know that I’m still here and hope to continue writing as much as I can. I have a Kindergarten grad… Read more
Messy adventures
“Let them explore in the mud & build dens with boxes. Let them experiment with paint & imagine all day, for a child learns most when they are allowed to play.” -Twinklcares website. Lately we have been out in the mud. It’s pretty much been daily at this point and some days they get clean… Read more
Try a simple prayer for gratitude
Just a little thought on prayers for tonight!!! Say a prayer tonight. It does not have to be perfect, out loud, or even make sense. The Lord understands even when you cannot find the words. Try to be thankful for the everyday blessings that we forget about, because we see them daily. Try this to… Read more
Ugh, why can’t I be more Organized
OK so spring has sprung here, oh wait no its winter, no wait… ugh it keeps changing around here and who else is sick of all the cloths everywhere for rain, snow, cold, hot, and everything in between? I know for me the cloths of winter really get me by the end of winter. It’s… Read more
Sing it!
Your love, God, is my song, and I’ll sing it! Psalms 89:1 The message Music. It’s a big part of most peoples life. For us it makes our family dance!! Starting with my husband singing old county songs to our daughter not even an hour after she was born. This is one of my most… Read more